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General Enquiries:
All FFSA competitions are organised according to the international FIE rules.
You can access these rules on www.fie.org
All refereeing is done strictly according to FIE rules.
The main competition rules with regards to equipment and organisation for all FFSA competitions are as follows:
1. Fencers are only permitted to enter their own age group - and one up - except where there is no event in their age group. Exceptions may be applied for beforehand.
2. Fencers must sign in on the correct event register when entering the hall. They must also sign the Attendance Register and Indemnity Form.
3. Plastrons must be worn. Breeches and long socks only. Socks must cover the knees. Socks must not fall down during bouts. No tracksuit pants may be worn.
4. Weapons checks are compulsory for all equipment (weapons, masks, lames & clothing) and must pass minimum required standards of acceptance into competition. Weapons will be rechecked on the piste by referees.
5. Any fencer on the piste must have access to 2 working weapons.
6. The competition will not be delayed by waiting for fencers. If a fencer has not signed in, and is not at roll call, they will be excluded.
7. Roll calls will be held at the given times regardless of competition progress.
8. Fencers must be aware of doping regulations. Any fencer may be tested.
9. Only Juniors and Cadets who qualify age-wise for World Championships will be allowed to fence in the Junior events. The latest applicable birth year lists will be printed on competition invitations. Juniors and Cadets must present proof of age (birth certificate or ID) to enter. Those who cannot do so, will not be allowed to enter. The rule of thumb is that you are the age you are on 31 December of the year prior to the one in which you are fencing.
10. Competitions / events will be cancelled if there are not more than 4 fencers entered for the event. For example a Cadet competition will be cancelled if there are not more than 4 entries. The Cadets will then fence with the Juniors and the highest ranking Cadet in the Junior competition will receive the Cadet Gold Medal.
11. No fencer will be allowed to fence without being registered with their province and with FFSA. Licence fees are due to be paid to both associations by 31 January.
12. Finishing times can only be estimated, once all entries are in. Times may also be influenced by fencers fencing in other age groups, availability of pistes and referees, and promptness of all fencers in an event presenting themselves on the piste on time. The Organising Committee reserves the right to change the order of the programme. Medals are handed out when there is a lull in fencing activity.