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General Enquiries:
Anti-doping regulations
You can download the summary of the latest Wada World Conference by clicking the link above.
The latest list of banned substances as well as the TUE application form is applicable should you be using certain types of medication by selecting the link above.
Please be 100% sure that medication you are taking is allowed according to the list! If in doubt, follow the link below to the South African Institute for Drug Free Sport to see what you need to do.
By way of example, most asthma medication is now allowed without the need for a TUE, but you must confirm that your prescription complies with World Anti Doping Agency (WADA) rules. Here is a link to their website.
As is the case with any sport in South Africa, our athletes are subject to testing for banned substances by the South African Institute for Drug Free Sport.
Fencers competing internationally are subject to testing for these substances by the World Anti Doping Association.
Please ensure that you are FULLY aware of what medication you may or not may take before or during competition. Please be specifically careful of some cold and flu medications as well as medications for asthma.
Please visit the South African Institute for Drug Free Sport to see what medication you may use. Applications for Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) certificates must be done to the institute if you fence in South Africa.
If you fence internationally, you must apply to the FIE's medical commission for the relevant documentation PRIOR to competing. Fencers are typically tested randomly at open events.